Work 01


Case Study


Brand ImageAnalysisProvided UX/UI Design and Rebranding Design.
Type of work
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CCC Frontier's e-commerce site, UNiCASE, is one of Japan's largest smartphone accessory stores, with over 70,000 products from over 1,000 manufacturers. After seven years of operation, the structure and design of the e-commerce site had become complicated over time and no longer met the needs of the target users. To update the design and layout of the site, we reviewed UNiCASE's core brand image, re-identified the target users, and designed the UX/UI to match the insights.



The critical point in the renewal process was to have the designers, and all the people involved participate in the UI/UX review meetings and branding discussions. The participants included the CEO, lead engineer, sales team leader, product designer, and graphic designer. The reason for this was to avoid having a biased perspective and to be able to identify more specific issues and create a core brand image by having as wide a range of participants as possible.


360° Perspective360° Perspective360° Perspective360° Perspective360° Perspective360° Perspective360° Perspective

At the beginning of the project, the UNiCASE brand image was vague. Still, to make it more concrete, we had each party submit a brand image analysis sheet, analyzed the idea the service had, and searched for keywords. As a result, the keywords for UNiCASE were "SOPHISTICATED" and "COMFORTABLE."

From there, everyone involved created a mood board that embodied these keywords. Creating a visual image made it easier to imagine what UNiCASE is all about. It became easier to imagine the design direction for all creative work by clarifying the brand image, including web design and in-store POP display.

プロジェクト当初は、漠然としていたUNiCASEブランドイメージをより具体化する為、ブランドイメージ分析シートを各関係者から提出してもらい、サービスが持つイメージを分析し、キーワードを探っていきました。結果、UNiCASEのキーワードは、「SOPHISTICATED 洗練された」と「COMFORTABLE 心地のよい」が導き出されました。


Brand ImageAnalysisBrand ImageAnalysis

A good brand experience is reinforced through consistency. Inconsistent branding is not memorable and can reduce trust.

Before the renewal, the EC site and the POP and signage design for the stores had different styles and were inconsistent. The design tone was different for each designer in charge, and the visual communication was uneven throughout. Therefore, we created a style guide to ensure consistent communication even when the designer in charge changes, and we made sure to set rules for the production.

It was necessary to set rules only for the general framework and leave room for design innovation. If we put too many rules for the creative design process, the design expression would be limited.




Style Guide
Style Guide

Before the renewal, the site was too SEO-conscious and had too much information. To appeal to the millennial generation, which prefers visual communication, we created a layout with more visuals, adjusted the text volume, and tightened the margins. Since a complete renewal of all pages at once would take a lot of time and effort, we divided the renewal into phases, starting with the high-impact top page, product list, product details, and cart transition. We implemented micro-interactions such as detailed animations, a heart lights up in red when the favorite button is pressed, and a badge that appears on the cart after an item is added to the cart.


UX/UI DesignUX/UI Design
UX/UI Design

Maintain the number one
search result



Revenue achieved 122% of
the pre-renewal year.

●The revenue achieved 122% of the pre-renewal year, and the conversion rate increased by 0.11%.
●The challenge with SEO for an e-commerce site is that it competes with major e-commerce sites such as Rakuten, Amazon, and ZOZOTOWN. Still, we achieved results such as maintaining the number one search result for "iPhone 11 case".
