Work 02


Case Study


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We provided UX/UI design and brand design services for the renewal of the service site and corporate site of "invox," an automated accounting system developed and operated by invox Inc.

invox felt that their self-produced service site before the renewal was lacking in appeal compared to similar services, and believed that an appropriate design and brand image were necessary to effectively promote their carefully developed services to customers.

Therefore, we carried out the renewal of the invox series service site and corporate site, and were also commissioned to produce promotional videos. This project was a collaborative effort with econte, Inc. and OPTIAX Inc.




The issue identified was that the brand colors for each service were not functioning effectively. Initially, both the invox Invoice Receipt and invox Electronic Book Storage services shared the same yellow brand color, making it difficult for users to distinguish between them when used simultaneously. Although the logos provided some differentiation, it took time and reduced efficiency.

To address these issues and prepare for future service expansions, we established a brand design system. We revised the logo design system to maintain consistency while clearly distinguishing each service. Additionally, guidelines were created to ensure consistent brand design for future services.




To uncover the essence of the service, we conducted a brand image analysis. To clarify the impression we want target users to have through the service, we had them choose appropriate adjectives from a list of 180 words, thereby transforming vague images into clear language.


"By visually defining the design tone derived from the brand image survey analysis with mood boards, we were able to align the design direction. The mood boards linked specific keywords with corresponding colors and fonts, providing a clear rationale for the design choices. This approach was much more effective than presenting designs directly, as it gave us a clear idea of what to expect.Additionally, the mood boards were useful for visualizing services scheduled for future release. It was a great opportunity to articulate our service's image and the target customers we aim to reach, prompting us to reflect on our company's current state and future direction.

Takuya Mitsumura, Chief Marketing Officer of invox Inc.

「ブランドイメージ調査の分析結果で導き出されたデザイントーンをムードボードで視覚的に定義付けすることで、デザインの方向性の足並みを揃えることができました。ムードボードには、こういうキーワードのサービスだから、こういったカラーや書体を使ってデザインしていくみたいなことが紐付けられていました。いきなりデザインが出てくるよりも、理論立てて考えられていて、弊社としてはこんなデザインが出てきそうだっていうイメージがつかめたので非常に良かったです。また、今後リリースを予定しているサービスについても、イメージできるムードボードだったことも印象的でした。弊社のサービスはこういうイメージであったり、どんなお客様に届けたいのか、あらためて言語化する機会になり、会社の現状や将来を考えるきっかけにもなりました。」(株式会社invox CMO 光村様)

There was a request to shift from a photo-centric site structure to a more flexible illustration-based approach that could accommodate future service expansions. Therefore, using the style guide established through the brand image analysis, we carried out the illustration composition and art direction, successfully creating a unified service world.



We produced 30-second videos for accounting department employees and for individual business owners and freelancers, and distributed them through YouTube ads, social media ads, and TVer ads. The videos communicated that using invox not only improves work efficiency but also contributes to social causes, thereby enhancing the brand image of invox and increasing service awareness.


Using invox (Freelancer Edition)


Using invox (Accounting Professionals Edition)



Became the No. 1 invoice receipt service by number of companies implemented.

●Introduced multiple times as an excellent design site
●Established a strong image against competitors at the service recognition stage
●Became No. 1 in the number of companies implementing the invoice receipt service (*)


※ 株式会社富士キメラ総研『2023 SX/GXによって実現するサステナビリティ/ESG支援関連市場の現状と将来展望』(2023年8月8日発刊)<2022年度・数量>